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Boston, Self-Titled
August 3, 2022 | From the Vault

Boston, Self-Titled

When I think about debut albums that have had a lasting impact on me, the first one that comes to mind is the self-titled debut from the band Boston.

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Roger Waters - The Wall
August 1, 2022 | Concert Reviews

Roger Waters – The Wall

The Wall itself stretched across the entire outfield and made the “Green Monster” look like its smaller younger brother. The acoustics, which are known to be difficult and “delay-ridden” at Fenway due to the unique design of the park, were amazing and our seats in the 13th row put us squarely in the belly of the beast.

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Noga Erez
July 8, 2022 | Concert Reviews

Noga Erez

Erez studied jazz piano and also wanted to sing jazz but as she explained on stage that night, and I paraphrase, there were so many other artists better than she was that she decided to change course—one that brought her more towards electronic music with a hip-hop twist.

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